
Staff Spotlight - Carol Mickus

Staff Spotlight Carol Mickus

In her third year at Pine Mountain, Mrs. Mickus continues to keep modeling to her students how to CLIMB. Meet Carol Mickus, 6th grade science and math teacher, math department chair, and Guiding Coalition Team Member, and National Junior Beta Club Co-Sponsor.

It's all about the kids with Mrs. Mickus. From delivering high quality instruction to providing rigorous extra curricular opportunities for kids outside of the classroom, Mrs. Mickus keeps pushing herself to be her professional best for her students. You can't help but be engaged from the moment you walk into her classroom. If you didn't know better, you might even think she worked for Disney as her room is that engaging. From the ceiling to the walls, she uses 100% or her space to support learning. She also helps co-sponsor and helped start the PMMS National Junior Beta Club Chapter. Her work with our kids in this chapter helped make our school be recognized as a model chapter with this nationwide organization.

In addition to these activities, Mrs. Mickus is a leader with our teachers as well. She helps coordinate our math department's instructional and curricular focus. She also serves on the Guiding Coalition Team which helps the principal lead the school. Mrs. Mickus' leadership and committment to PMMS serve as another great example of why our school is the best place to teach, lead, and learn.