
Summer Reading


Research has demonstrated that no other activity has the potential to promote student success and improve quality of life than reading. Parents who foster a love of reading in their children give them advantages over their peers who don’t read: increased empathy, expanded vocabulary, developed analytical skills, and even heightened earning potential.* Please, at a minimum, encourage your student to complete the summer reading, but don’t stop there! Take trips to the public library and create time and space for regular reading together as a family. For more information about the benefits of reading, check out this article: https://www.lifehack.org/articles/lifestyle/10-benefits-reading-why-you-should-read-everyday.html

*For real! Read about it here: https://electricliterature.com/science-says-if-you-read-books-youll-earn-more-money/

Rising 6th Grade StudentsRising 7th Grade StudentsRising 8th Grade Students
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Rising 9th Grade students should refer to your high school's website for summer reading assignments.
