


Principal: Dr. Kelly A. Luscre    

Assistant Principal: Tamela Isley

Support and Services Administrator (SSA): Dr. Seyedbagheri

The leadership team at Big Shanty Intermediate strives to create a safe, engaging, and supportive learning environment that reinforces high expectations for academic achievement.

We encourage students, parents, staff, and business partners to participate in making educational decisions specific to student needs. We analyze data from our learning community to align our school improvement goals which helps us to concentrate on the individual needs of our students. Teachers participate in Professional Learning Communities to implement research-proven techniques that impact student performance.

The leadership team as well as the teachers strive to engage in open dialogue with all of our stakeholders.  We genuinely value your input and opinions and encourage you to never hesitate to reach out to us if we can be of any assistance.  Thank you and GO EAGLES!