
About Compton Elementary School

All About Compton Elementary


Compton Elementary is a K-5 school located in Powder Springs, Georgia.  It is one of 67 elementary schools within the Cobb County School District. Currently, there are 633 students attending Compton Elementary.  Of Compton’s students 53% are African American, 35% Hispanic, 7% are White, 4% are multiracial, and less than 1% are Asian . 

In 1969, the Cobb County Board of Education voted unanimously to name the elementary school on New Macland Road in honor of Mr. Thomas Newton Compton, due to his dedication and service to Powder Springs. He was a lifelong resident of Powder Springs, even serving as the mayor for ten years.  When he was informed Cobb County School Board of Education had chosen to name the school after him he was very humbled.  He did not think he had done anything to deserve the honor.  However, people that knew him assured him he was worthy.  People knew his love for children and his belief ALL children deserve the right to a good education. This was evidenced from the beginning of his life when he was determined to finish his education even though he had to run his family’s grocery store in the evening after school.  Mr. Compton valued education.

 At Compton, teachers and staff work collaboratively to build a framework for understanding cultural values and to create an open community where family and friends are welcome. Compton’s staff strives to provide excellence in instruction, a supportive environment, and respect for all.