
Student Handbook


Powers Ferry Panther logoAbsences - When a student is absent s/he must bring a written signed excuse upon returning to school. Per board policy, failure to submit a note within 3 school days will result in the absence being marked unexcused. Please indicate the following information: Child’s name, Teacher’s name, date(s) absent, reason for absence, and parent’s signature.  

After School Program (ASP) - As a district service, Powers Ferry offers an After School Program from 2:30 PM until 6:00 PM beginning the first day of school. There is an annual registration fee of $10 per child as well as $7.00 per day, payable in advance. A late pick-up fee ($1.00 per minute) will be charged for each child picked up after 6:00 pm, payable at the time of pick-up. Registration must be completed before the child participates in the program. Please remember that payment is due in advance on the first day of the week or each day that the child stays in the program. If you do not pay in advance, your child will not be allowed to participate in the program, and you will be contacted to come pick up your child immediately. ASP does not operate on teacher workdays or when school is cancelled due to inclement weather. 

baloonsBalloons – Due to safety guidelines, students are not allowed to have balloons on the bus.  

Birthday Treats - At this time, birthday treats will be celebrated using our classroom celebration form through the Food and Nutrition Services. Click HERE to use the order form (Classroom Celebration). Click HERE to use the order form (Classroom Pizza Party).

Bus - Students must be 8 years old or older to get off the bus without an adult. The safe rider form must be filled out by the 5th day the student is enrolled at Powers Ferry. 

carCar riders - Parents must have a car rider tag to pick up students. Parents without a car rider tag will need to come into the front office with proper ID.  If you need a new tag, please come in to the office. Please drive slowly in the car rider lane. Please refrain from cell phone use. 

Dress Code – Please review and adhere to the dress code page of this handbook.  

Early Checkout - Parents are discouraged from checking students out of school after 1:45. From 1:45 until dismissal, transitions are in progress from various areas of the school and playground area making it difficult to get changes to teachers and more likely for transportation errors to take place. Transportation changes can be taken by written note or fax until 1:45. 

Early Dismissal due to Inclement Weather – Occasionally, it becomes necessary to dismiss school early due to inclement weather. When this situation arises, please listen to WSB radio and television, or visit the Cobb County School District web site at www.cobbk12.org. The school bus will deliver the students to their regular stops. Each student should have an inclement weather plan at school with the appropriate emergency information. The After School Program may not operate if school is dismissed early due to inclement weather. 

Evening events - Students need to be accompanied by an adult at all evening events held at the school. 

students eating lunchLunch - Parents are always welcome to eat with their child. If you choose to eat lunch with your child, please meet your child in the cafeteria at their lunchtime. Please enjoy a school lunch or a sack lunch from home. We ask that you refrain from bringing in food from outside restaurants. When lunch has concluded, we ask that you say your goodbyes as your child exits the cafeteria.  A nutritionally balanced lunch as prescribed by state and federal standards is served each day in the school cafe. Parents may prepay for school meals by the day, week, month, or semester or a student may bring cash on a daily basis. Students who bring their lunch may purchase milk or fruit juice. Please make sure that your child has money for meals each day or pre-pay by the week or month.  To access the menu click here-MypaymentPlus

Fast food or soda - Due to guidelines set forth by the School Nutrition Program, fast food lunches and/or soda are not allowed to be brought into the lunchroom. Parents are encouraged to purchase a school lunch. 

Lost and Found – Unclaimed clothing items found in the building or on the grounds will be placed in the lost and found box, which is located near the back parking area. Money, eyeglasses, keys, or other items of value will be kept in the school office. Please label all clothing, lunchboxes, etc. with your child’s first and last names so that lost items can quickly be returned to the proper owners. At the end of each month, unclaimed lost items (clothes, gloves, and toys) will be donated to needy families or a charitable organization. We are not able to hold onto lost items longer than that, as they become a fire hazard.  

Medication - Medication is administered at school under very specific conditions. Each medication requires written permission from the parent/guardian specifying dosage and time to be given. "Authorization to Give Medication at School" forms are available in the clinic at the school. It is important to remember that students may not transport any prescription medication containing a controlled substance. These must be brought to school by a parent/guardian or other designated adult. All medication, along with the school permission slip, must be stored and dispensed in the clinic.  

Morning Arrival - Students may be dropped off from 7:15-7:50. The breakfast program closes at 7:45. The tardy bell rings at 7:50. Students not in their classrooms at 7:50, are considered tardy (unless in the cafe eating breakfast), and parents should come in to sign their child(ren) in. 

Parking - Parking is limited. Please do not park along the red curb in front of the school. This is designated as a fire lane, and any cars parked in this area are subjected to be ticketed per the Fire Marshal. Please do not park in the handicapped space (subject to ticket), unless you are legally allowed to do so. 

Payments - Please place all LUNCH MONEY in the white drop box in the cafeteria. All other payments, with designated envelope (ASP, Field trips, etc.) can be dropped in the large, white safe outside of the cafeteria.  Please request any refunds in writing. 

Transportation Changes - cannot be made over the phone or via email. Only changes submitted in writing, via fax @ 770-578-7936, or in person are allowed. This also includes ASP. No transportation changes may be made after 1:45. 

Visitors - At this time, there will be no visitors allowed in the building.