December 2020 Literatura

December 2020 Literatura


Thank you for coming to the October 2020 Literatura event!

All of the activities included in your child's activity bag are were designed so that your child can work to reinforce or extend current grade-level standards. Included in the bag are bilingual directions for how to do each activity. To see the reading and math activities modeled, please scroll down this page to locate your child's grade level and view the corresponding video.

gingerbread man book cover.PNGWe highly encourage all families to read the bilingual book together and use it to complete the Arts Integration activities. Some grade levels may use this book for this month's reading activity.

Tonight’s treat of a hot dog was donated by Stacey Ronai and the chips and hot dog buns wwere provided by our Partners In Education Northwest Exterminating, Inc

Thank you to everyone who helped to put this program on for our community to enjoy! We are incredibly grateful for our partnership with the Northwest Exterminating Good Deeds Team for helping to bring this event to life! 

If you have any questions about the Literatura activities or event, please contact our Academic Coaches, Katie Stieber or Michelle Mullinax.

The Gingerbread Man read by ????

Kindergarten Activities Video

In addition to the bilingual instructions included in the Kindergarten grade activity bag, you can view the reading and math activities modeled in the video below. 

First Grade Activities Video

In addition to the bilingual instructions included in the First Grade grade activity bag, you can view the reading and math activities modeled in the video below. 

Second Grade Activities Video

In addition to the bilingual instructions included in the Second Grade grade activity bag, you can view the reading and math activities modeled in the video below. 

Third Grade Activities Video

In addition to the bilingual instructions included in the Third Grade grade activity bag, you can view the reading and math activities modeled in the video below. 

Fourth Grade Activities Video

In addition to the bilingual instructions included in the Fourth Grade grade activity bag, you can view the reading and math activities modeled in the video below. 

Fifth Grade Activities Video

In addition to the bilingual instructions included in the Fifth Grade grade activity bag, you can view the reading and math activities modeled in the video below.