
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures


School Hours

  • School doors will open at 7:10am
  • The Tardy Bell rings at 7:50am
    ***Parents who are checking in scholars late, you will need to scan the QR Code for late check-in, ring the bell for the office to unlock the doors for your scholar. A parent must accompany late scholars to the door for check-in.
  • Dismissal will begin at 2:10pm and ends by 2:35pm.
  • Front Office Hours: 7:15am-3:00pm



  • Kindergarten and First Grade Scholars will enter through the PE Hallway doors.
  • Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth will enter the cafeteria. 

BREAKFAST: ALL Scholars may pick up a FREE breakfast

  • Kindergarten and First Grade will pick up breakfast on the PE Hallway.
  • Second and Third will pick up breakfast in the cafeteria.


  • Stay in your car!
  • Please make sure your child exits on the side by the sidewalk.
  • They may enter the back hallway doors OR the front door.
  • Make sure the scholar(s) is ready to exit the car:
    Do they have their bookbag and lunch bag ready?
    Are they awake?
    Do they have their mask in hand?
  • Please make sure you are paying attention and pulling up when cars are ready to move.

Parents who are checking in scholars late, you will need to scan the QR Code for late check-in, ring the bell for the office to unlock the doors for your scholar. A parent must accompany late scholars to the door for check-in.


Dismissal will take longer than normal. Please note the following:

  • We will dismiss car riders first. No one should exit their cars to get their scholar. All families MUST remain in their cars.
  • If your student will be a car rider please fill out this form
  • PM car rider:
    • The line ends at 2:35pm.
    • Scholars still at Bryant after this time will be placed in ASP for a fee of $7 per day and an additional $10 if the one-time registration fee hasn't been paid.
  • Buses will be dismissed by bus color to minimize the number of scholars in the hallway.
  • Buses that have a second load run will be dismissed first

Bus Routes & Bus "Colors"

  • Bus Route Web Query - Use this to find the stop closest to your house and the bus number.
  • Check out the Bus QR Code document in resources for the QR code for the Here Comes the Bus App.

ASP will not be dismissed until 2:40 pm. Parents will NOT be allowed to enter the building to pick up ASP scholars until 2:45 pm when all students have been dismissed.

Emergency Contacts - Scholar Pick Up

We CANNOT release a child to someone who is NOT in the system.

The Enrolling Adult is the only one that can add contacts to ParentVUE. If an adult is not listed as an emergency contact, they will not be able to pick up the child.

Please make sure you add anyone you want to be able to pick up your child. This causes problems when you send someone to pick up a child for emergency purposes and they are not listed. This includes spouses, parents, children who live or do not live in your household.

Transportation Changes

Early checkout ends at 1:30pm.

If you need to make a Transportation Change, here are the following ways you can do so:

  • Send in a note with your child (from the Enrolling Adult)
  • Fax in a Transportation note to (770) 819-2404
  • Call the school, (770) 819-2402, and speak with a clerk. While you are on the phone with that clerk, you can email them directly and they will verify with you while on the phone.

All notes should include the child's name, what the transportation change will be, your name and number for us to be able to call and verify.

We will not take any changes through email to a clerk without verification. Do not send changes to the teacher as he/she will not see any messages until the end of the day.

New Student Registration

Daily between 8:15 - 10:15. Students will start to school the day after registration.
Check out the Cobb County Schools online registration page to find out what information you will need.