


The Cobb Innovation & Technology Academy (CITA) is open to students throughout the Cobb County School District. District-wide centralized bus transportation is provided for students admitted to CITA. Students transportation routes fall into the following categories:

  1. Students Zoned to Osborne High School: Students that are zoned to Osborne High School will ride their normal bus route. This route will bring them directly to campus.
  2. Students Zoned to Schools Other Than Osborne High School: Students who live outside of the Osborne High School zoned area will used centralized bus stops. Bus stops can be found here.

If you have questions about bus routes please contact: 

Mrs. Cora Graves cora.graves@cobbk12.org

Dr. Alvin Decuir Alvin.decuir@cobbk12.org 

Dr. Tiffany Barney, tiffany.barney@cobbk12.org.