
School Strategic Plan


The purpose of the SSP is to select student goals connected to the Superintendent’s priorities in the following areas:

• Literacy

• Math

• School Selected-Determined by Local School


Indicate which priority your goal is connected to and the actions, and evidence needed to meet the intended outcome. The reflection stage will be completed after measuring success with your intended outcome.

Goal #1: Literacy- Nicholson Elementary will provide evidence based, high quality literacy instruction for all students.

Goal #2: Math- Nicholson Elementary students will improve Math fluency skills to master basic operations to improve their overall Math performance.

Goal #3: Nicholson will participate in school wide extended collaboration days throughout the year to engage in professional development and receive support with data analysis and strategic planning.

Nicholson Elementary utilizes Option 2 when determining AC eligibility criteria for 4th and 5th-grade students.