Student Tutoring Program
Need a Tutor?
Online forms for free, student-led peer tutoring can be found here.
Simply click on the appropriate link and fill in the requested information on the form.
Tutees should be contacted within 2-3 school days of a submitted request.
National Honor Society Tutoring (all subjects)
Link: http://goo.gl/forms/4ZsbnqQAK4
If you have problems, see Dr. Edwards in room 419.
Mu Alpha Theta Math Honor Society
If you have problems, see Ms. Miller in room 326.
National English Honor Society
Link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1rsVzUsLi02rvpMGxL_0vn3fhq-pGcOL6Q2TAjdzFgtQ/edit
If you have problems, see Ms. Burwell in room 314.
Science National Honor Society
Link: bit.ly/2Y9DmvW
If you have problems, see Ms. Howard in room 408.
National Social Studies Honor Society
Website: http://waltonssnhs.weebly.com/
Link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeqWwDKT7yaEbFizrVTIxj7MJ4uiqalY9S0FGh3src5B-MpfA/viewform
If you have problems, see Mr. Keller in room 215.