

Melissa Chamrinemail | blog
Cyrus Zareieemail | blog

Belief Statement 

The Acworth Elementary School Counseling Program uses data-driven curriculum and individual/group counseling techniques to aide student success in the following domains: academic, career, and personal/social.  This program is facilitated under the direct leadership of a licensed school counselor and follows the comprehensive framework of the American School Counseling Association (ASCA) National Model.

We believe:

  • Students are our highest priority and have a right to a quality education
  • All students have limitless potential and can overcome obstacles through dedication and hard work
  • All students have the right to a safe supportive learning environment
  • All students have the right to be heard and treated with respect and dignity
  • All students have the right to access services from a professional school counselor who collaborates with staff, families, and community

Vision Statement

The vision of the Acworth Elementary School Counseling Program is for every student to acquire the  skills needed to achieve success in the academic, career, and personal/social domains. Our students will become mindful, responsible, and productive citizens through service, leadership, and development of good character.

Mission Statement

The mission of the Acworth Elementary School Counseling Program is to support the Cobb County School District’s mission of One Team, One Goal: Student Success. Our goal is to contribute positively and successfully to the academic, personal/social, and career development of all students. Our collaborative team of counselors, staff, parents, and community members work together to create a supportive, safe, and caring atmosphere to promote growth and achievement within our students. As professional school counselors and student advocates, the goal of our program is to help children acknowledge and accept individual differences, develop skills to work to their fullest potential, and prepare all students to be lifelong learners.

Counselors' Blog: https://www.cobblearning.net/acworthcounselors/