



A Great Way to Show School Spirit and Support Our School! 

The purpose of the Spirit Rock is to promote school spirit at Chalker Elementary School. Parents, caregivers, students & staff can “Rent the Rock” to recognize a student’s birthday, show school spirit, thank or recognize teachers and staff, or mark congratulatory events. It is a great way to spread positive messages and increase excitement in our community! 100% of the funds raised through the Spirit Rock will be used for school-wide rewards and incentives though PBIS. 

 Click here to view the calendar.

Click here to make a reservation.


By reserving a date, you agree to adhere to the below-mentioned guidelines. 

  • Reservations MUST be made in order to paint the Spirit Rock. Click on the Make A Reservation to reserve available dates. 
  • Reserving the Spirit Rock is $25. Payment must be received within 48 hours of your signup request, or your signup date will be forfeited. All payments and reservations are non-refundable for any reason.   
  • Payments can be made by cash or check.  All payments should be delivered in white payment envelopes to the Vault between the Counselor’s Suite. 
  • No refunds will be issued in the case of bad weather. If wet, the rock can be towel-dried before painting and the paint will adhere even in the rain and or snow. 
  • Only one person per reservation may reserve the Spirit Rock. Reservations are first come, first serve basis.  Each week has two reservation appointments. 
  • Reservations must be made by an adult on behalf of a student or student group. 
  • All contact regarding the Spirit Rock should be made to Ashley Bartho (ashley.bartho@cobbk12.org) or Catherine Schenck (catherine.schenck@cobbk12.org).  
  • Calls cannot be made to the front office for reservation purposes or any issues having to do with the Spirit Rock.  
  • Once reserved, you will have the rock for two full school days. Your time begins at one of the following times: 
    • Sunday 4pm though Wednesday 4pm (Slot 1) 
    • Wednesday 4pm through Sunday 4pm (Slot 2) 


  • Paint and painting supplies are not provided by the school or PBIS. The person reserving the rock is responsible for painting the rock or hiring someone to do it. 
  • The area around the Spirit Rock must be left neat, tidy, and paint-free. ONLY the face of the Rock may be painted. DO NOT paint the grass or any other material surrounding the Rock. Please use a plastic tarp or other covering to protect the mulch surrounding the rock. The individual or group who made the reservation will be held financially responsible for cleaning and/or repair costs associated with violation of this policy. Anyone painting the Rock must leave the area in clean condition. 
  • Remove all paint materials and litter from the site and be sure the paint is disposed of properly (not on school property.) 
  • The individual or group painting the rock assumes liability for any individual or member of the group who may be injured and/or incur clothing or other personal property damage. Please be kind to our environment and recycle empty paint cans, etc. 
  • All rules as outlined in the CCSD Code of Student Conduct MUST be obeyed. No exceptions. (No bullying, profanity, obscenity, derogatory language, or political slogans.) 
  • The Spirit Rock paintings MUST be in good taste. Chalker Staff and Administration will regularly monitor the Spirit Rock to ensure that paintings fall within the above-established guidelines. Administration and staff have the right to remove any painting deemed inappropriate without notice to those who painted the rock. 
  • Reminders for reservations will not be sent by the school or PTA. Make sure to mark your calendars! 

Tips and Tricks  

  • The best paint to use is spray paint. Premium spray paint works best (Rustoleum, etc) vs. a generic store brand. You will probably need 2-3 cans for a good base coat and additional paint for your design. The quantity needed will depend upon the color you are using, the color already painted on the rock, and weather conditions. Remember, latex paint or paint that is rolled on will take longer to dry. 
  • Once you have the base coat done, use chalk to sketch out your design. Try to do large shapes so that it’s easy to see from the road and so that you can use spray paint for most of it.  
  • Stand back from the rock to make sure you can see the design from there.  
  • Spray paint your large areas. If you mess up, use your base coat color to fix the mistake.  
  • For more detailed areas, use a can/tube of paint and a paintbrush. While outdoor latex is best, regular artists' acrylic seems to work well too (even in rain).  
  • Make sure to bring paper towels to wipe any drips 
  • Bring a cup of water if you are using a paintbrush.  
  • Wearing rubber gloves will help keep your hands clean. 
  • Have fun and post photos to our Facebook page!