
Fair Oaks Elementary Administration


Seibert-6.jpgCathie Seibert, Principal 

I have the honor and privilege of serving as the Principal for Fair Oaks.  This is my 20th year in Cobb County Schools and our focus remains constant:  One Team, One Goal, Student Success!  One of my favorite quotes is from Zig Ziglar, who said, “There is no elevator to success; you have to take the stairs.” Ensuring each scholar has the tools to open the doors of opportunity is how we take the stairs.  

I'm an industry changeover to education with a plethora of experience, military service, and social services sectors. On the weekend you might find me adventuring.  If I can help in anyway, please call, text, or come into the office as the door is always open.    


Cathie Seibert

Dr.Odom.jpgDr. Lynn Odom, Assistant Principal 

Welcome to Fair Oaks!!

It is with excitement and anticipation that I say a great big hello to every student and family! WE are embarking on a great journey TOGETHER. My hopes are for all our students and families to have positive and memorable experiences at Fair Oaks.

This year I will serve as the assistant principal for third, fourth and fifth grade students. I am also in partnership with parents and available to you as well. I will continue to make sure that we offer instruction, activities, and opportunities for students to learn and grow. Please join in this partnership with me.

Elementary school is a serious matter and provides the foundation for all future learning. I encourage parents to be in regular communication with teachers; ask questions about things that are unclear; and ask us about new ways a parent may support learning once a student goes home.

I believe that together we can make this year a very successful year.


Dr. Lynn Odom
Assistant Principal

J.Shiers.jpgJen Shiers, Assistant Principal 

Marcus Griffin.jpgMarcus Griffin, SSA