Back-to-School Health Services and Clinic Checklist for 2024-2025

Cobb’s team of healthcare heroes helps boost student success by bridging the gap between healthcare and education. Our school nurses work collaboratively with school staff, families, and the community to address and support each student's health needs, ensuring they reach their maximum well-being. Follow the Health Services and Clinic checklist to prepare for a successful school year.
1. Notify Your School Nurse of Medical Needs
- Any parent whose child has a medical condition that may affect them while at school needs to relay this information directly to the school nurse.
2. Update Regarding Medication Authorization at School
- We have updated procedures regarding medication administration at school to ensure our nurses receive the appropriate physician orders for prescription medications and adhere to safe medication administration in schools.
- Form JGCD-2 (Download here) requires ALL prescription medications to have the Healthcare Provider's Signature on the Authorization to Give Medication form. In order for the School Nurse to administer medications to students, the parent/guardian must provide the form signed by both the Healthcare Provider and the parent/guardian. The medication administration instructions must match on the signed form and the prescription label.
3. Keep Your Student Healthy All Year Long
- To prevent the spread of viruses, Cobb school nurses recommend regular handwashing, adequate rest and sleep, staying hydrated, stress management, eating balanced meals, and exercise.
- Watch the Inside Scoop podcast on the topic.
4. Is My Child Well Enough for School?
- Review the Cobb Schools policy on Procedures When Students Show Signs of Illness or Injury.
- Use the Children's Healthcare of Atlanta - Too Sick for School Resource to help decide when your child should stay home.
5. More Information and Resources Related to School Health Services
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Information related to illnesses such as pink eye, ringworm, strep throat, and head lice.