
Target/Advanced Learning Program


Hendricks’ Advanced Learning Program offers several delivery models to service identified gifted students at all grade levels. To determine eligibility, students are assessed in four areas: mental ability, achievement, creativity, and motivation. Once assessments are completed, the data will be evaluated to determine eligibility. In addition, we also offer talent development services to address the needs of high ability learners. 


The Target Program provides services for identified gifted students in 1st through 5th grades. Eligible students receive pull-out instruction one full day a week. The Target Program meets the specific academic needs of gifted students through activities that include critical and creative thinking, higher order reasoning, research skills, and effective growth. 

Advanced Content

Advanced Content classes are offered for eligible 4th and 5th grade students in English/Language Arts and/or Math. Eligibility for Advanced Content classes is determined by classroom performance in the previous grade level, motivation in the previous grade level, achievement in the most recent IOWA testing and/or Milestones testing, and ability achievement in the most recent CogAT testing.

Talent Development

The Talent Development Program provides services for selected high ability learners in all grade levels, based on classroom performance and teacher recommendation, who are not currently eligible for the Target Program. Talent Development provides enrichment opportunities for high ability learners to think critically and creatively. 

For more information, please contact Ms. Aiken or visit the Cobb Advanced Learning Program page.