Dress Code

Milford Elementary School Dress Code Requirements
Students’ dress should be neat and allow for maximum comfort and flexibility. Students’ dress should also allow us to maintain an environment that is conducive to learning. Therefore students should adhere to the following dress code.
- Hats, caps, bandanas or headbands are not worn in school unless announced for special occasions.
- Clothing with obscene or suggestive language is not permitted.
- Clothing which promotes violence, gangs or is racially insensitive is not permitted.
- Crop tops, halter-tops, tank tops, or muscle shirts that expose the midriff are not allowed.
- Clothing that advertises alcohol, sex, drugs, or tobacco will not be allowed.
- Shoulder straps on dresses, blouses, or shirts must be at least two inches in width.
- Shirts must be tucked in or overlap pants or skirts. Shirts with tails and oversized shirts should be tucked in.
- Dresses, shorts, skirts, and skorts must be below fingertips when arms and hands are extended.
- Spandex material is not allowed, but cotton tights or leggings can be worn if tops (shirts) are at least mid-thigh.
- Pants with belt loops must be worn on your waist and with a belt (undergarments must not be visible).
- The students attend PE on a regular basis and participate in daily outdoor activities, therefore, tennis shoes are recommended for their comfort and safety.
- Facial make-up and false or extended fingernails are deemed inappropriate for elementary-aged students, and should not be worn at school.
- No articles of clothing that the teacher or administrator considers disruptive or inappropriate will be allowed. Students violating the dress code will be given the opportunity to change clothes or they may be sent home.
Therefore students should adhere to the following dress code in accordance with CCSD policy.