


Ms. Wanda Thomas (serves kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd grades) - Email

Dr. Chemara Jackson (serves 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades) - Email


  • Equipping students with skills to meet life’s challenges in learning, working, and relating to others.


  • To assist our students in overcoming obstacles to learning, and to promote college and career readiness.


  • All students must have access to effective and developmentally appropriate education in academic, personal/social, and career domains
  • Our comprehensive school counseling program must have a proactive, preventive, and responsive focus in meeting student needs
  • Program effectiveness is dependent upon collaboration among all stakeholders, including students, parents, staff, and community members
  • Students and staff work most effectively in a safe, nurturing environment enhanced by high expectations


  1. To integrate the use of writing into classroom guidance lessons.
  2. To support parent engagement to enhance student achievement.
  3. To promote skill development in the academic, personal/social, and career domains.


School Counseling Core Curriculum: All students receive classroom guidance lessons on a regular basis. Lessons include topics focusing on national counseling standards. Examples of lessons include themes such as Bullying, Study Habits, Peer Pressure, Drug Awareness, Anger Control, Positive Attitude, Conflict Resolution, Goal Setting, Career Awareness and Test Taking Skills.

Small Group Counseling: Some students participate in small group counseling based on common needs such as Dealing with Life Changes, Friendship Skills, Behavior Management, and Study Skills.

Individual Counseling: School counselors coordinate ongoing activities designed to assist students in establishing personal goals and developing future plans. Individual sessions are available through self-referral, parent referral, and teacher referral.

Consultation and Collaboration:  School counselors work closely with teachers, parents, and appropriate community resources to enhance student achievement.