


Daily clinic hours:  7:30 am to 2:30 pm

Bonnie Wagner, RN

Nurse - Bonnie Wagner


The mission of the Cobb County School Health Services is to strengthen and facilitate the educational process through improvement and protection of the health status of all students. School nurses work as a team with school administrators, teachers, counselors, school social workers, families and community to identify and assist each student to reach their maximum state of well-being. 

Nurse Bonnie is trained to treat minor emergencies and to dispense medications when needed.

If a child is suspected of having a communicable disease, parents will be called to pick up the child from school and seek a physician's diagnosis prior to returning the student to a classroom. This local school procedure is made in the safety and best interest of all our students.

Please do not send children to school who feel ill, who have had a temperature over 100, or who have vomited within 24 hours. Please follow these Illness Guidelines

If an accident requiring medical attention occurs and a parent cannot be contacted, we will transport the child to a local emergency room, provided a medical release has been signed. Judgment in such cases is at the discretion of the school authorities and parents assume financial responsibility.

It is of the utmost importance that we maintain a clinic card on file for reference and that parents keep information current on this card for future emergency purposes.


  • Form_JGCD-2 must be completed by parents prior to dispensing of medicines (prescription or non-prescription).
  • Prescription drugs must be in their original container, bear the name of the patient, the name of the physician prescribing the medication, and the pharmacy filling the prescription.
  • Over-the-counter drugs must also be maintained in their original container and Form_JGCD-7 must be completed.

For all other inquiries see: School-Health-Services.