
Clubs & Organizations List


Griffin Middle School offers an array of teacher sponsored clubs and organizations. For more information about each activity, please contact the listed club sponsor. 

Comic Book/Manga Club

Sponsor(s): Colton Prism, Matthew Lewis 
Contact Information: colton.prism@cobbk12.org, matthew.lewis@cobbk12.org
Club Begins:  11/2/2022
Meeting Day(s): Tuesday
Meeting Time: 4:30 - 5:15
Meeting Location: Media Center

About: Do you like to make your own graphic novels? Perhaps you really like comics. What about Manga? If you answered yes to any of these, then the Comic Book/Manga club is right for you. We will work collaboratively on an Anti-Bullying graphic novel as well as work in groups on personal comics/mangas. Come share your artistic abilities with other interested peers.

Junior Beta Club

Sponsor(s): Ashley Crisler, Emily Howland, Sarah Lyons
Contact Info: ashley.crisler@cobbk12.org, emily.howland@cobbk12.org, sarah.lyons@cobbk12.org

First Meeting: Our first meeting will take place Friday, September 9th from 8:00-8:45 in the theatre. 

Meeting Time(s): Every Other Friday, We will meet twice a month, every other friday. The first meeting of the month will take place in the morning from 8:00-8:45 in the theatre. The second meeting of the month will take place in the afternoons from 4:45-5:30.
Meeting Location: Theatre
Club Dues: Returning Members: $20, New Members: $35

Girls Empowerment Movement (GEM)

Sponsor(s): Adam Mullis
Contact Info: adam.mullis@cobbk12.org
Club Begins: TBD
Meeting Day(s): TBD
Meeting Time(s): 7:50 - 8:50
Meeting Location: Gym 1

About: Designed by girls, for girls, Girls Empowering Movement (GEM) is a statewide program to improve physical activity in middle school girls by empowering them to become change agents in their schools and communities—creating innovative solutions to engage their peers in fun, personalized physical activity; improving fitness; and promoting long-term health, emotional wellbeing and academic achievement.

Unified Club 

Sponsor(s): Adam Mullis
Contact Info: adam.mullis@cobbk12.org
Club Begins: TBD
Meeting Day(s): Wednesday (During the School Day)
Meeting Time(s): TBD
Meeting Location: Gym 1
Club Dues: TBD

Club Requirements: Application to Coach Mullis


Sponsor(s): Dr. Amy Gilbert, Kate Fites
Contact Info: amy.gilbert@cobbk12.org, katelyn.fites@cobbk12.org
Club Begins: 8/19/22
Meeting Day(s): Fridays
Meeting Time(s): 8:15 - 8:50
Meeting Location: Dr. Gilbert's room 
Club Dues: None

Soccer Club

Sponsor(s): Lyric Sprinkle, Ben Lee
Contact Info: lyric.sprinkle@cobbk12.org, ben.lee@cobbk12.org
Club Begins: 10/3/22
Meeting Day(s): Monday
Meeting Time(s): 4:30 - 5:30
Meeting Location: Gym 1
Club Dues:  $20

About:  TBD

Inclusivity Club

Sponsor(s): Dr. Julia Richardson, Kate Fites, Lindsay Anderson, Kristie Rometo, Aliyah Tuckman
Contact Info: katelyn.fites@cobbk12.org
Club Begins: 8/18/22
Meeting Day(s): Every Other Thursday
Meeting Time(s): 4:30-5:30 PM
Meeting Location: Classroom 370 (Ms. Fites)
Club Dues: None

About: Inclusivity Club is a club focused around building a learning community of inclusivity, respect, and equity. We believe every person in our school has a role to play, and we want to engage students and staff in a dialogue on topics such as bullying, inclusion, and allyship as well as what all that means for Griffin Middle School.

Club Requirements: Student must complete a form.

Competitive Reading Club: Helen Ruffin Reading Bowl

Sponsor(s): Lindsay Anderson, Felicia Simmons
Contact Info: lindsay.anderson@cobbk12.org, felicia.simmons@cobbk12.org
Club Begins: 8/17/22
Meeting Day(s): Tuesdays
Meeting Time(s): 8:15 - 8:50
Meeting Location: Griffin Media Center
Club Dues: $20 to pay for competition fees, t-shirts, & celebrations

About: Helen Ruffin Reading Bowl is a competitive reading club where students read ten Georgia Children's Book Award nominee books and then compete in the HRRB Reading Bowl against other Cobb middle schools. Depending on competition placement, the HRRB team has the potential to advance to the regional and state competitions. 

Art Club

Sponsor(s): Ben Lee

Contact Info: ben.lee@cobbk12.org
Club Begins: 10/3/22
Meeting Day(s): 1st and 3rd Monday of the Month
Meeting Time(s): 4:30-5:30
Meeting Location: Art Room 
Club Dues: $20



Sponsor(s): Siddeeqah Roberts
Contact Info: siddeeqah.adams@cobbk12.org
Club Begins: 8/31/22
Meeting Day(s): Every Other Wednesday
Meeting Time(s): 8:20AM - 8:50AM
Meeting Location: FACS Lab
Club Dues: $20 (plus additional fees for club t-shirt or attire)

About: FCCLA is a national student-led organization where the central focus is the family.

Disc Golf 

Sponsor(s): Adam Mullis

Contact Info: adam.mullis@cobbk12.org
Club Begins: TBD
Meeting Day(s): Thursday
Meeting Time(s): 4:30-5:30
Meeting Location: TBD
Club Dues: TBD

Yearbook Club

Sponsor(s): Lindsay Anderson, Valder Ned, Elizabeth Stephan, Keynetria Sample, Mario Mohorn

Contact Info: lindsay.anderson@cobbk12.org
Club Begins: 8/17/22
Meeting Day(s): Wednesdays
Meeting Time(s): 8:15-8:50
Meeting Location: Media Center 

Club Dues: $25


Sponsor(s): Sarah Lyons

Contact Info: sarah.lyons@cobbk12.org
Club Begins: 9/7/22
Meeting Day(s): 1st and 3rd Wednesdays starting in September 4:30 - 5:30, 3rd Wednesday is 8:00-8:50 (for those who can't attend afternoon meetings)
Meeting Time(s): 4:30-5:30 and 8:00-8:50
Meeting Location: Business Lab

Club Dues: $30

Student Government Association (SGA)

Sponsor(s): Kristin Gilligan, Clint Podell

Contact Info: kristin.gilligan@cobbk12.org, clint.podell@cobbk12.org
Club Begins: TBD
Meeting Day(s): TBD
Meeting Time(s): TBD
Meeting Location: TBD

Club Dues: TBD

Peer Helpers

Sponsor(s): Brady McCaffery, Cheryl Mcfadden, Stella Mejia, Julia Richardson

Contact Info: william.mccaffery@cobbk12.org, cheryl.mcfadden@cobbk12.org, stella.mejia@cobbk12.org, julia.richardson@cobbk12.org
Meeting Day(s): During Homeroom As Needed