Digital Resources
Digital Learning Support for Parents (Spanish)
Microsoft 365 Support
The Microsoft 365 support page has documents and videos to support student Microsoft 365 login, password reset, Office Suite download, and email. In addition, it contains support resources for joining a Teams call and links to support pages for Microsoft Accessibility Tools, Microsoft Translator, Minecraft, and Flipgrid.
Cobb Digital Library
The Cobb Digital Library provides Cobb County School District students with access to high-quality information resources designed to support and scaffold our students as researchers and innovative thinkers.
Learn MoreCTLS Support
The Cobb Teaching and Learning System is a digital learning environment which precisely identifies what students know, supports student learning, engages parents, and empowers teachers with one goal: student success.
Learn MoreDigital Textbooks
This web page provides Cobb County School District parents with information about how your children access digital learning resources, including textbooks, at school and from home. The site is organized by grade level and content area and includes login information. If your child encounters issues w[...]
Learn MoreParentVUE Information
ParentVUE Information - Spanish
ParentVUE Information - Portuguese
How to Update Student and Family Information in ParentVue
To easily make changes to student contact information, email, address, phone numbers, medical information, and upload other enrollment documents, the enrolling adult will need to log into their ParentVUE account and select “Change My Information” link to access the electronic CCSD Studen[...]
Learn MoreStudent Laptop Program
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The Cobb County School District is initiating a program to provide a laptop to all high school and middle school students to assist with their instruction. It is the intent of this initiative to bring learning flexibility and options to any family who chooses to receive a device. Student Laptop Reso[...]
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