About Our School

Cobb Online Learning Academy is the Cobb County School District's full-time, online-only school available for middle school and high school students. Students must be eligible to attend a CCSD school in order to enroll in Cobb Online Learning Academy. Although all classes are exclusively web-based, all teachers will be teaching from our campus located at 1765 The Exchange SE, Atlanta, Georgia 30339.
When enrolled in our school, students and families can expect:
- High-quality live-instruction from certified teachers offering a variety of courses from our Course Catalog (attached below)
- Engaging lessons utilizing the latest instructional technology, peer to peer interactions, and small group intervention and extension activities
- Dedicated teachers who care about the social, emotional, and academic growth of all of our students.
Follow us on Twitter @cobbOLacademy and on Facebook at Cobb Online Learning Academy to learn more about our staff, students, and happenings at COLA.
For more information, give us a call or email one of our administrators!
Cobb families know the Cobb County School District has a reputation for excellence, as Cobb’s students consistently perform better than their peers. You could live anywhere, yet over 200,000 parents choose to raise their children in Cobb. You know that a Cobb education gives your children a competitive advantage for scholarships, college, future employment, and life.
Once again, Cobb families can feel even more confident their students are receiving a high-quality education following the most recent accreditation review by Cognia, one of Cobb’s accrediting agencies and one of the largest in the world.
After recently completing an Accreditation Engagement Review, which took almost one year to complete, every school in Cobb County has been accredited for an additional six years.