National English Honor Society

Tuesday April 9, 2024 and Tuesday, April 16, 2024
It will be hosted via Zoom in the NEHS Club CTLS Tile.
All details regarding membership and membership fees will be shared during the NEHS Information Session.
Membership Eligibility:
To be eligible, students must be classified as a CCSD/COLA High School 10th-, 11th- or 12th-grade student and have a minimum overall GPA of 3.0. You also must have completed at least two English courses with a minimum GPA of 3.0 (a grade of 80 or better in each course) in those English courses at the time of application. NEHS fees include NEHS induction, graduation cord, t-shirt, and COLA administrative fees. The COLA Chapter of the National English Honor Society (NEHS) meets bi-weekly (every two weeks) on Tuesdays at 3:30 pm.
Induction Ceremony: May, 2023 @ COLA at Cobb Horizon High School - Specific Date and Time TBD
If you would like to attend the information session, and you have not filled out the COLA NEHS Interest Survey, please do so ASAP so that we may add you to the CTLS Zoom Session for COLA NEHS.
For more information about The National English Honor Society, please contact Dr. Freeman at or visit their website at: