
Transportation, Arrival and Dismissal Procedures


School Hours:  8:45 AM - 4:15 PM

Morning Arrival

  1.  It is highly recommended that students ride the bus to and from school each day. 
  2.  Students should arrive early (before 8:45 AM) only when they have a specific reason such as an appointment with a teacher, rehearsal, intramurals, etc. 
  3.  No students should be dropped off prior to 8:15 AM.  There is no supervision available prior to this time and the doors remain locked until 8:15 AM each morning. 
  4.  Students who arrive prior to 8:45 AM will report to silent study hall unless they have a pass for another purpose.
  5.  Students should be in homeroom when the bell rings each morning at 9:05 AM to avoid being marked tardy.

Afternoon Dismissal

  1. All car-riders should be off campus by 4:30 PM each afternoon.
  2. Please send in a note with your student if an early check-out is required.

Download a copy of the Dodgen Carpool Procedures or a Bus Pass in the Resources below. 

Please note the DOT Fact Sheet explaining the double-stacked carpool lanes attached below.