
Target/Advanced Learning Program


What is Target?

Target is Cobb County's Accelerated Learning Program for gifted students.  In elementary school, students attend Target as a pullout program one day each week.  The program is designed to meet the very specific needs of these students and extend competencies in the areas of cognitive skills, learning skills, research and reference skills, communication skills, and metacognitive skills beyond the experience of the regular classroom.

When are children tested for the Target program?

All first, third and fifth grade students are evaluated; no referrals are necessary.

What is the Target curriculum?

Gifted services meet Georgia Performance Standards while providing differentiated curriculum based on the assessed needs of the students.  This gifted curriculum includes a more elaborate, complex, and in-depth study of major ideas, problems, and themes than would ordinarily be available in the regular classroom.  The curriculum blends instruction in math, science, social studies, and language arts into units that examine central themes, issues, problems, and topics.

Gifted Eligibility and Service Models in Cobb County Schools
For more information, go to this website: Advanced Learning (cobbk12.org).