
Please review the documents below and make sure you check your child each day for symptoms of COVID-19 before sending them to school. If your child has fever, a cough, is short of breath, has muscle aches, new loss of taste or smell or an upset stomach please keep them home. Please help us keep all our families well. Thank you!
Please visit the CDC Website for frequently asked questions.
CDC Covid Fact Sheet- Spanish.pdf CDC Covid Fact Sheet.pdf
Covid-19 Symptoms- Spanish.pdf Covid-19 Symptoms.pdf
Letter to Parents COVID-19 .pdf Letter to Parents COVID-19_SPANISH.pdf
If your child has strep throat or another bacterial infection, he/she should stay home until the antibiotic has been given for at least 24 hours and your health care provider has given your child permission to return to school. We encourage you to seek medical attention when your child is sick and to follow your health care provider’s recommendations about returning to school and other activities.