Title 1
Title I is a federally funded program which provides services to schools based on student economic needs. Title I is the largest federal assistance program for our nation's schools. The goal is to provide high quality educational support for every child to achieve the highest standards set by the state of Georgia.
FY25 Green Acres School Family Policy Spanish
FY25 Parent and Family Engagement
FY25 Parent and Family Engagement Spanish
Parents Right to Know
Green Acres Title 1 Budget
Green Acres School Compacts
FY24 Green Acres Parent Compact Gr k-2
FY24 Green Acres Parent Compact Gr k-2 - Spanish
FY24 Green Acres Parent Compact Gr 3-5.pdf
FY24 Green Acres Parent Compact Gr 3-5 Spanish
How To Apply for Free & Reduced Lunch Video
The English Video: Family Support- Meal Application Flyer - English.pdf
The Spanish Video: Family Support Meal Application Flyer-SPANISH.pdf