Student Parking Info

Parking Application
The CCSD Public Parking Permit Application and Vehicle Registration Form (PAVR-2/06) will be used to advise students and parents of rules and regulations.
Parking applications may be downloaded from here, here or picked up in the Parking Clerk's office with Mrs. Thwaites (downstairs ROTC hallway between classrooms 1301 and 1302). Bring with you a COPY of the following:
- Completed parking application and Hillgrove parking application
- Photocopy of current driver's license
- Photocopy of valid vehicle insurance card
- Photocopy of license plate
- Copy of online payment receipt, or pay be cash or check in the Parking Clerk's office.
You will pay $50 by cash or check or MyPaymentsPlus after all documents have been verified. You will then receive your decal.
- Parking application processing will start early for Seniors ONLY. Seniors may apply for parking decals in the main gym hallway on Wednesday, July 24th 9:00am - 12:00pm and 2:00pm - 3:30pm.; Thursday, July 25th 2:00pm - 3:30pm and Monday, July 29th 2:00pm - 3:30pm. (Juniors may attend Monday Only.)
- Everyone else may purchase their decals during HawkFest on Tuesday, July 30th.
- Starting August 1st, all transactions will take place in Mrs. Thwaites' office Monday through Friday from 7:45 a.m. - 8:10 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. - 3:45 p.m. Student parking is a non-academic item, and therefore no parking transactions will take place during the school day.
- Completed applications can be placed in a sealed envelope in the black box outside Mrs. Thwaites' office. It is the student's responsibility to pick up their decal from Mrs. Thwaites. Decals will be assigned within 48 hours after the application and all required documentation has been submitted.
- Students WILL be assigned a permanent parking space.
- Students are not permitted to park in front of the building, in visitor spaces, in staff spaces (marked with yellow lines and numbers) or at Lovinggood Middle School.
- Anyone parked within the yellow boundaries of Band's practice area must remove their vehicle by 3:45 p.m. Monday - Friday. No exceptions!!!
Emergency one-day parking will be limited to 7 days per semester and is subject to the same rules and regulations as stated on the Parking Permit Application.
Students must provide the following items to purchase a one-day parking pass:
- Photocopy of current driver’s license
- Photocopy of valid vehicle insurance card
- Photocopy of license plate
- Copy of online payment receipt or pay by cash or check in the Parking Clerk's office
Parking and traffic violations on campus shall be subject to the following:
- Fines for minor violations will start at $15.00 and must be paid in the Parking Office by the following school day. After that, a $1.00 a day penalty will be applied. Tickets for 1st semester violations will begin on August 19th.
- The speed limit anywhere on campus is 10 MPH.
- As stated on the Parking Permit Application form, fines that are not paid the following school day will be assessed an additional $1.00 per day.
- Discipline will not reduce the amount of the fine.
- Moving violations are subject to state traffic citations.
- Buses always have the right-of-way on campus.
Students may have their parking privilege revoked or suspended. Vehicles may be towed at the owner’s expense. Parking privileges may be revoked if the student leaves campus without permission. In such cases, no part of the parking fee will be refunded.
The driver/owner of any vehicle will be responsible for the use of his vehicle while on campus, and subsequently for a violation of the rules and regulations by persons other than himself if the offense is committed with/or in his/her vehicle. Vehicle owners who utilize the school parking facility agree to maintain adequate liability insurance and must have proof of insurance available. The CCSD will not be responsible for any losses or damages to the property of users of its facilities, including loss due to bodily injury.
Students may go to their cars during the school day with a pass from an administrator.
The right is reserved to search an automobile when there is reason to believe a violation of school regulations has occurred. If a student’s vehicle is vandalized, or if students have articles stolen from their vehicles, a report to the campus officer should be made immediately. A written stolen property report should also be completed. A report will be filed with the Cobb County Police Department.