
Grading Policy


Russell’s Grading Policy


All academic subjects in grades kindergarten through third are based on progress. Progress is the movement toward mastery of the standards as required by Cobb County, the following grading scale applies:

 3+ Exceeds Standards

3 Meets Standards

2 Progressing toward meeting standards

1 Limited progress or does not meet standards

Not assessed at this time

All academic subjects in grades 4 and 5 will be graded numerically. Grades will be computed on the following basis: classwork, tests, and projects.

A 90-100 %

B 80-89%

C 74-79%

D 70-73%

F 0-69%

Lowest grade for any assignment or final grade will be 50% (F). Research (Marzano, Guskey,

Wormelli) indicates lower grades only skew a student’s score down and discourage effort and

diminish motivation.

All students (K-5) will be assessed on their overall learning skills and behaviors within academic content areas and specials (art, music, pe, and math/science).

Learning Skills & Behaviors

S Successful

P Progressing

N Needs Improvement


 Minimum of 9 assessments (Reading, ELA, Math)

 Minimum of 6 assessments (Social Studies, Science)

 Graded assignments must be completed at school

 Fourth and fifth graded assignments will be on ParentVUE

 Graded assignments will be sent home in student’s Friday folders

Makeup Work

Students are expected to make up assignments and tests after absences. Students shall receive a 50 for any assignment or test not made up within 5 days. The student will be responsible for obtaining and completing the make-up work in a satisfactory manner and within the time specified.


 Homework (Monday – Friday)

 Homework will not be taken for a grade

 Homework reinforces standards taught

 Maximum length of time

  • K 20 minutes
  • 1st 30 minutes
  • 2nd 40 minutes
  • 3rd 50 minutes
  • 4th 60 minutes
  • 5th 60 minutes

Late Work

Assignments and tests need to be completed and turned in on the assigned date in order to receive full credit. In an effort for the student’s work to reflect mastery of the content presented in the assignment, no more than 2 total points will be deducted each day late.

Re-teaching and Reassessments

The intent of Russell Elementary School’s re-teaching and reassessment policy is to ensure that students have an opportunity to master the District’s curricular objectives. Re- teaching may be integrated into lessons during guided practice and may be a part of the explanation phase when checking for understanding. The teacher will determine when re-teaching should be scheduled. For critical skills, it will be done immediately; for recurring skills, it may be deferred.