Title I
What is Title I?
Title I is a federally funded program which provides services to schools based on student economic needs. Title I is the largest Federal Assistance Program for our nation's schools. The goal is to provide a high-quality education and support for every child to achieve the high standards set by the state of Georgia.
For more information, visit the Cobb County Title I Office.
The Family Information Guide contains a wealth of information about the district including the Student Code of Conduct, as well as information about privacy rights, important dates, and more.
Family Information Guide 2024-2025 (English)
Annual Title I Meeting
The annual Title I meeting is a presentation that shares information about Title I resources, budget, and services that are provided at Sanders.
Sanders FY25 Title I Budget
Sanders School Improvement Plan FY25 SIP
Policy FY25
Family - School Engagement Policy - English
Family – School Engagement Policy- Spanish
CCSD FY25 Parent and Family Engagement Policy - English
CCSD FY25 Parent and Family Engagement Policy - Spanish
CCSD FY25 Parent and Family Engagement Policy - Portuguese
School Choice HB251 FY 24-25
Parents' Right to Know FY 24-25 (p. 10 of document)
School-Family Compacts
The Sanders Parent Resource Center provides a place for parents to gather information to take home and assist their children. Our focus is to work together as partners to increase student achievement.
The mission of the Parent Resource Center is to empower parents as their child’s first teachers, making them great partners in education to increase student achievement. You are welcome to check out the materials and resources to use with your child at home.
Please contact the people below about the resources we have available for parents.
Academic Coach, Emily Folk Emily.Folk@cobbk12.org
Instructional Support Specialist, Windy Childs Windy.Childs@cobbk12.org
Parent Facilitator, Dea Works dea.works@cobbk12.org
School phone number 770-819-2568