


The Vision of the Advanced Learning Programs Department is to promote rigorous curricular content in conjunction with critical inquiry, creativity, communication of complex thoughts, and an authentic approach to learning. We support the balance of curricular depth and breadth while fostering the development of academic habits and skills.

The goals of Cobb’s Advanced Learning Programs Department are:

  • Development of Cognitive Skill growth
  • Promotion of Affective Skill growth
  • Extension and enrichment of the Georgia Standards of Excellence

A Gifted student, as defined by the state of Georgia, is one who demonstrates a high degree of motivation, and /or excels in specific academic fields and who needs special additional services to achieve at levels in proportion with their abilities. 

Target Screening

There are two types of referrals for students to be screened for consideration of gifted eligibility:

Automatic – All children are screened through district wide assessments. Currently these screenings occur in late Kindergarten, 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 8th grades. Based on these scores, some students may be eligible for further assessments.

Reported – Any individual with knowledge of a child’s abilities may refer them at any time. Once a referral has been received by the school, the Local Eligibility Committee will review data {data compiled may include SMI ( Scholastic Math inventory), SRI (Scholastic Reading inventory), Touchstones, Developmental Reading Assessment, Milestones, GLOSS, and classroom performance} and make a recommendation for or deny further assessment. To ensure county wide consistency the County Eligibility Committee reviews all reported referrals submitted by the Local School Eligibility Committee.


 Students who are served in other Georgia county gifted programs will be served in Cobb County once written verification is established.  Students arriving from other states may be considered for eligibility through the reported referral process.

Cobb County Advanced Learning website