About School

One Team, One Goal: Student Success
At Garrett Middle School, we will work collaboratively with families and our community to prepare students for lifelong success academically, socially, and emotionally.
We believe:
- that all students are capable of meeting or exceeding state standards in all disciplines given adequate time and instructional support.
- that it is the shared responsibility of teachers, staff, administrators, students, parents, and the community to ensure learning and social success for all students.
- that the collaborative efforts of our school community will enable each student to become a responsible, contributing citizen.
After a county-wide study on the new concept of “middle schools”, Austell Junior High School became Garrett Middle School during the 1971 – 1972 school year. Dr. Franklin Croker became the first principal, a position he held for ten years before moving to South Cobb High School.
The staff moved into the current building in August 1972. At that time the pods/teams were all “open.” Four teachers and approximately one hundred students were assigned to a “pod” and there were no walls or partitions to separate the four academic subjects. Everyone could see everyone all day long.
The school was comprised of two academic areas – currently the 6th and 7th grades. The 8th grade was completed in time for the 1978-1979 school year. Originally, all three grade levels were housed in the two areas and named Gold and Blue.
During the 1975 – 1976 school year, Crandall Storey, Industrial Arts Teacher, designed and oversaw the building of the Log Cabin. All materials were graciously donated. The work was completed by students and community members. An annual celebration named History Trek became a tradition as guest “pioneers” and other presenters treated students to activities and other historical experiences.
Teachers and students moved into the 8th grade section of the building during the 1978 – 1979 school year. The former Gold side of the building became the 6th grade and the Blue side became the 7th Grade. The new 8th grade was not designed as an “open space" as in previous years. Walls were eventually built in the other areas such as the media center as well as new additions to the building (science classrooms and a cafeteria) through the efforts of SPLOST, Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax.
The Vita Par Trail was established in the 1980's to benefit Garrett Middle School's students and staff. Cobb General Hospital (now known as WellStar Cobb Hospital) helped finance the exercise trail which is still used by the school and Austell community members.
The South Cobb Rotary Club (SCRC) introduced a writing contest which they continue to sponsor today. Students from each grade level submit essays on select topics. Winners and their families are invited to a luncheon hosted by the SCRC where they receive their award.
Garrett Middle School was recognized in 1983 as one of the first National Schools of Excellence in Cobb County. At the completion of the 2006-2007 school year, Garrett Middle was named a Title I School of Distinction for making AYP (Adequate Yearly Progress) three years in a row.
- Dr. Franklin Croker
- Dr. Larry Cooper
- Mr. Joseph Boland
- Dr. Rose McNeese
- Dr. Eugene Wright
- Dr. Phillip Page
- Dr. Fredrick Harris
- Mrs. Kimberly Jackson
- Mrs. Kristie Brown
Cobb families know the Cobb County School District has a reputation for excellence, as Cobb’s students consistently perform better than their peers. You could live anywhere, yet over 200,000 parents choose to raise their children in Cobb. You know that a Cobb education gives your children a competitive advantage for scholarships, college, future employment, and life.
Once again, Cobb families can feel even more confident their students are receiving a high-quality education following the most recent accreditation review by Cognia, one of Cobb’s accrediting agencies and one of the largest in the world.
After recently completing an Accreditation Engagement Review, which took almost one year to complete, every school in Cobb County has been accredited for an additional six years.