
Title 1


Pamela Walker, Title I Parent Facilitator (Pamela.Walker@cobbk12org and phone: 770-819-2466, x030)

Dear Parents,

My name is Pamela Walker, and I am your Parent Facilitator at Garrett Middle School. One of my main objectives in this role is to get more parents involved in the school. Too often, people think because they are working, they cannot be involved, but that is far from true. Any involvement is appreciated, and well received.

If you are interested in volunteering at Garrett Middle School, we have several opportunities for you. You can volunteer to cover Duty Free Teacher lunches or assist in the Food Pantry in some capacity.

Parents are an integral part of the soul and success of a school. It has always been my belief that working together can make an even larger impact in the life of your child. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at any time. I am here to assist you at Garrett Middle School, should you need assistance in the school, or community resources.

During the Holiday season, Garrett has wonderful organizations that assist our families, with both Thanksgiving Meals, and Christmas gifts (based on availability). To benefit from either one of the donations, we ask that parents participate in one or more of our workshops held before that time.

Please be on the lookout for upcoming parent workshops posted on CTLS (Cobb Teaching and Learning System).

We hope to see you there!


Pamela Walker

Garrett Middle School 2024-25 Budget
