
Target and Gifted Program


KSE target gifted logo yellow with lightbulb

King Springs Elementary School Target and Gifted program is happy to serve students who demonstrate a "high degree of intellectual and/or creative ability, exhibit an exceptionally high degree of motivation, and/or excel in specific academic fields, and who need special instruction and/or special service to achieve levels that accommodate his or her abilities." (Georgia State Board of Education)

Target is the elementary component of CCSD's Advanced Learning Program.  it is designed for students identified by Georgia State Law as gifted.

KSE Target Teachers


Kristin Beutel
Julie Murphy
Allison Powell

Gifted Eligibility Process

Gifted Evaluation Process

All gifted assessments in the Cobb County School District adhere to the rules and regulations established by the Georgia Department of Education. There are three steps in the process of identification and placement of students into the gifted program: referral, assessment, and determination of eligibility. View the CCSD's Advanced Learning website for more information for each of these steps. 

Gifted Eligibility Process FAQs

Talent Development

Gifted teachers may offer talent development services at some schools in order to address the needs of high ability learners and provide opportunities for all students to learn to think critically and creatively. 

Enrichment Resources (Kindergarten - 2nd Grade)

Enrichment Resources (3rd Grade - 5th Grade)