2024-2025 Course Verification
2024-2025 Course Verification for Core Classes
Parents/guardians and students currently have the opportunity to review student academic placement recommendations for language arts, math, science, and social studies in ParentVue and StudentVue. These were entered during core registration. It is important for all students and parents to confirm they have reviewed their courses to ensure accurate core placements, and we ask you to do this by submitting a response using this form.
Core course verification must be completed between April 21 through April 30th regardless of whether changes are needed. Any changes to the student’s core selections can and must be noted on the form. This is the final opportunity to make changes to 2024-25 core course placements. Please note that no changes will be made to elective requests.
The 2024-2025 student course requests entered during core registration are available in StudentVue and in ParentVue. To see the courses entered for each student, select “Course Requests” from the menu. Please note that the listed courses do not represent the student’s detailed 2024-2025 academic schedule by block.
During this review process, please review each core academic placement by CLICKING HERE.
- Mark each core placement as “correct” or “incorrect”.
- If the academic placement entered during registration is “incorrect,” the student and/or family will identify the course and then enter its replacement.
- If you are requesting to waive a course recommendation, please complete the FORM LINKED HERE.
- Before the school year begins, if class space is available, the completed forms will be used to make possible changes.
Every effort is being made to create a schedule with student elective choices being honored. You will see all requests the student made during the Elective Selection Process. When final schedules are distributed in late summer, students may notice that their top electives may not be present. This is a result of scheduling conflicts or prerequisites not being met for electives. However, their elective choices will be honored unless students improperly completed the process.
2024-25 Core Course Verification Document (same as the link imbedded above)
Kell High School Course Catalogue Rising 10-12
Freshman Registration Handbook
Course Waiver (same as the link imbedded above)