
Getting a Good Night Sleep

Trees and Tent with Sleeper with Mountain ASCENT Background

Is your child getting enough sleep at night?

As our kids get older, it's not easy to always ensure our kids are getting enough sleep at night. From using their devices too long to watching tv too late, it can be challenging to make sure your student is getting enough sleep. In general kids 12-18 years old need at least 8-10 hours of sleep each night. Kids under 12 will need a minimum of 10 hours of sleep per night.

To help ensure a good nights sleep, think about getting your student's devices from them in the evening so they do not have access to their devices at night. In addition, work with your kids to teach them how to pace their homework or assignments so they are not scrambling the night before and having to stay up late to get a project completed. 

Have kids at different ages in your home? Wondering what the appropriate amount of sleep is for each of them? Use the chart below to help find you find what works best for kids at any age level.

Sleep times