
Wheeler Magnet Student Gives Ted Talk on ‘Really Cool’ Molecule

Ted Talks

Liposome? What’s that? Alexis Allen can tell you and explain why you should care.

The Wheeler High School magnet student recently gave a youth Ted Talk that explained “The possibility of the liposome.”

Alexis%20Allen%20Wheeler%20High%20School.jpgHer love of chemistry and healthcare allowed pharmacology to be the perfect bridge between her passions. Her access to science through Wheeler and her parents, who are biologists, instilled her desire to use chemistry education to help others. 

In her Ted Talk, the Wheeler junior discussed liposomes to demonstrate the value of scientific research and its impact on modern medicine.

During her AP chemistry class at Wheeler, she found the answer to her question, “shouldn’t modern medicine be better?”

According to Alexis, the answer to that question is “the really cool molecule we like to call the liposome.”

Listen to Alexis explain the power of the liposome and why most people have not heard of it.