Community Service Info

Giving Back Community Service Program/X2VOL
The goal of the Giving Back Community Service Program is to acknowledge the efforts of Lassiter High School’s civic minded students who support their community and school by giving back time, talent and energy. To qualify as a volunteer service activity it must contribute to the community and/or school without compensation. Learn more by viewing the Community Service Program Fact Sheet.
Why institute a Service Hour Plan at Lassiter High School?
G | I | V | E |
G—It is Lassiter’s belief that teaching our students the value of “giving back” is just as important as establishing strong academic skills. Civic responsibility is a lifelong skill.
I—Community “involvement”, “improves” self worth, “increases” awareness and “interaction” with various economic, ethnic and cultural groups.
V—“Volunteerism” is an excellent indicator for potential employers and colleges to understand a student’s work ethic.
E—Community service helps students to recognize that we are all “equally” responsible for improving, and caring for our neighborhoods, surroundings and school.
Approved Activities:
- Service projects sponsored by any Lassiter school club, team or service organization.
- Time planning the fundraiser, community activity or charitable event.
- Volunteer time with any non-profit group, hospital, church or community organization.
- Service time cannot be claimed for attending and participating in normal operation of Sunday school class, Choir, etc.
- No credit can be given for an Internship, unless the hours donated are above and beyond those of your regular schedule.
**No more than ½ of the volunteer hours can be accumulated from agencies outside of Lassiter High School.
Accumulation of Service Plan Hours
To receive a Community Service Graduation cord, students are expected to accumulate a minimum of 200 community service hours over a four year period at Lassiter High School. Transfer students must accumulate 50 hours of community service for each year they have attended Lassiter High School.
Service Hours are tracked online through X2VOL. Please see the counseling department website for details/directions.