
Arrival/Dismissal Procedures


School Hours

7:15 AM-2:15 PM

We encourage parents to allow their children to ride the bus both to and from school.  Bus service is available for students who are not within walking distance.  Please note that students are never tardy when they ride the bus. Below are are procedures for car riders, early dismissal, and transportation changes that you will find helpful.

  • Morning Car Riders: Car riders should not arrive to school before 7:00 a.m. There is no one to supervise them prior to this time. Please have your student prepared to exit the vehicle when your car comes to a stop along the sidewalk in front of the school. Morning car riders who eat breakfast in our cafeteria need to arrive at school no later than 7:30 a.m. in order to be served and to make it to class on time. Car riders who arrive after 7:45 are considered tardy and must be signed-in (by a parent/guardian) in the front office.
  • Early Dismissal: If your student needs to be checked out before the regular, scheduled dismissal (2:15), he/she must be checked out by 1:45. Parents or guardians must sign students out of school in the front office and must present a picture ID.
  • Afternoon Car Riders:  Parents are asked to remain in the vehicle when picking up students in the afternoon.  A 2019-2020 car rider card is required and should be displayed in the window of the car.  Students must be picked up no later than 2:45. Students who are not picked up in a timely manner will be placed in our After School Program (ASP) and the daily fees will apply ($10 registration fee and $7 daily rate).
  • Transportation Changes: Transportation changes must be put in writing and given to the classroom teacher. For the safety of our students, we are making adjustments to our “transportation change policy” for changes during the day. The only transportation changes during the day that we can take by phone will be to place your student in ASP. When we receive these changes we cannot authenticate who sent request. Please know that transportation changes are still accepted in person through our front office personnel before 1:45 p.m.
  • Early Dismissal Due to Inclement Weather: Occasionally it becomes necessary to dismiss school early due to inclement weather. When weather conditions indicate, please listen to the radio and/or local television stations. You will have all the information as quickly as the local school. An Inclement Weather form will be given to you at the beginning of the school year for you to indicate how your child will be going home due to inclement weather (i.e. bus, car, etc). You and your child should discuss what you expect him/her to do in case this situation occurs. Please do not come to pick up your child until you hear that schools are being closed. Limited phone lines make it impossible for school personnel to notify all parents of early closing. Make sure you always have an updated emergency card on file with your child’s teacher.

     Note: When checking students out of school, please be prepared to present a picture ID.