
More than 1,200 students rewarded for academic excellence with school variety show

Lassiter musicians during performance of an Italian tarantella

More than 1,200 Lassiter students that maintained a 3.0 GPA or higher during the Fall semester were given the opportunity to attend an academic variety show on Wednesday, March 20, 2024. Both students and staff members showed off their talents or comedic skills during the show, which included performances such as a drum solo, a whistling solo, a band performance, a juggling act, an Italian tarantella folklore dance and much more. Watch the entire variety show on Lassiter News Network. 


tarantella.jpgStudents performing the Italian tarantella
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variety-show.pngBriana Castro- Balbi – whistles to "The Swan", Coach Barton and James Hawke do a juggling routine and Sati Tolbert performs "Black Sheep" by Matrix