
8th Grade/High School Transition


8th Grade

8th Grade

Lassiter STEM Academy Logo.pngFor information about Lassiter High School's STEM Academy, please visit sites.google.com/site/lassiterstem/

CCSD Magnet programs logo.png

The Cobb County School District recognizes that students who demonstrate exceptional potential in a specific area may benefit from a specialized program. Cobb’s magnet programs allow students to pursue their interests, develop their talents, and extend their competencies beyond the usual scope of high school.

For more information about CCSD's magnet programs, please visit cobbk12.org/page/38578/magnet.programs


The Cobb Innovation & Technology Academy (CITA) is an innovative Career, Technical, and Agricultural (CTAE) educational program. CITA will provide students with hands-on learning experiences and career opportunities through district, post-secondary and industry partnerships. The courses offered are divided into three distinct pillars: Maker Industries, Emerging Technologies, and Community and Healthcare Services. The tuition-free academy is open to students throughout the Cobb County School District. District-wide centralized bus transportation is provided for students admitted to the Cobb Innovation & Technology Academy via the magnet bus routes. CITA students are given the opportunity to work collaboratively with business and industry partners to engage in valuable learning experiences. Students will explore employability skills as they grow to meet the demands of the future workforce. 

To view a virtual tour of Cobb Innovation and Technology Academy, please go to youtube.com/watch?v=val9fcBPBZs.  Additional information can also be found at https://www.cobbk12.org/cita/page/20572/about-cita.