Welcome to your South Cobb HS PTSA website. We look forward to working with you to have another exciting school year. In past years we have received several honors from the National, State PTA, and District offices. The SCHS PTSA are the proud recipients of:
•2015-2017 National PTA School of Excellence Honoree
•Hearst Family-School Partnership Award - Standard 3 Supporting Student Success - District 9
•Model PTA - Georgia PTA and District 9
•Best Idea - Georgia PTA and District 9
We are looking to having an even greater year this year and with your help we know that we can. Please JOIN and SUPPORT your PTSA.
PTSA stands for Parent Teacher Student Association. PTSA is a volunteer association where parents, educators, students, and other citizens can be active in their schools and communities. Support our South Cobb High School PTSA by purchasing a membership! By joining the PTSA, you help us meet our school's needs that are outside the scope of their budget.
Your support is truly appreciated.
Your Executive Board
SCHS PTSA instagram (
SCHS PTSA SCHOLARSHIP 2023-non senior.doc
Join Us
For less than 3¢ a day, become a member and make a difference. Here are a few ways we help our school…..
Our Initiatives
•Back to School Teacher’s Breakfast
•Staff Appreciation Week
•Spirit T-shirts
•Student Scholarships
•Teacher Grants
•Parent & Student Engagement Workshops
•Fundraising For Student Necessities
•Recruiting Volunteers
•Senior Baccalaureate Program
•Have Fun
Why become a member?
•Tap into a Network
•Put your skills and hobbies to use
•Speak up
•Contribute to Community
•Be a role model
$10 per member