
Bucs Celebrate Coach Chad Phillips at District TOTY Pep Rally

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Spotlight Image - Bucs Celebrate Coach Chad Phillips


Written by Journalism Staff Reporter Aubrey Voitel

Teacher of the Year, a huge achievement not held by most. Coach Chad Phillips is the 2023-24 Teacher of the Year. Coach Phillips is known for his positive attitude, his drive to work hard, and his crazy fun math classes! Doing a deep dive, it was found that not only is he a hard-working math teacher, but he is also an amazing basketball coach. When speaking to students, it can also be said that most everyone loves Coach Phillips and sees him as an amazing person. Camden Phillips said, “I think it’s a great achievement that he definitely deserves, I mean, he does a lot for his students.” Kellen Phillips also remarked, “I think it’s awesome.” Estella Fletcher expressed, “I believe he deserved it whole-heartedly, and he is an amazing teacher.” Based on what the students said, it is no surprise that teachers and staff feel the same way about Coach Phillips. Principal Candace Wilkes said, “I’ve had many students tell me that he is an amazing teacher. Not only that, but he is an amazing basketball coach as well. He is dedicated to helping grow those men into strong independent men of character.” Athletic Director Amie Howard also said, “Coach Phillips was probably the most deserving teacher in the building to receive the Teacher of the Year. He has managed to make math fun for kids, which is not always easy to do, and I get multiple requests each year from parents wanting their kids to be in his class.” Also, Coach Aaron Harrison speaks of his friend highly by saying, “I feel that Coach Phillips is one hundred percent deserving of being Teacher of the Year.” Finally, the man of the hour, Coach Phillips said, “Extremely honored that my peers chose me to represent them this year. Humbling, because I know there are other teachers that are just as deserving. But it does feel good to be recognized for the hard work that I’ve been doing in the classroom.” He also mentioned his appreciation and love for the students who joined him at the pep rally being there. As we all know, Coach Phillips is extremely deserving of his Teacher of the Year title. We at Allatoona are honored to be able to finally celebrate him and his career.

Photos from Principal Wilkes and Coach Phillips