
Community Service Opportunities

Community, Graduation
Spotlight Image - Community Service Opportunities

Monday, September 16, 2024

We would like to invite students from your organization to come to the Due West Pumpkin Patch to earn volunteer hours! There are 2 ways to earn hours: Pumpkin Unloads and Pumpkin Patch Shifts.

Pumpkin Unloads

This year, our Pumpkin Unloads are on September 29th and October 13th from 5:00-7:30 pm. We move all the pumpkins off the semi-truck with the help of lots and lots of volunteers! These two unloads are where we need the most help. All volunteers will be fed a pizza supper after the unload. We would like for everyone to sign up to work the unload, so that we can get an accurate headcount for dinner. 

You can sign up one of 2 ways: individually or as a group. We would prefer you have individual students sign themselves up, especially if they plan to work pumpkin shifts. If you choose to sign up as a group, please add as accurate a number as you can to the question, “How many people are you bringing?” 

Please sign up for the Unloads HERE through our volunteer portal VOME.

Pumpkin Shifts

Throughout the month of October, we will need volunteers for Pumpkin Shifts. Pumpkin Shifts are worked in 2 hour increments from 11:00 am - 7:00 pm Sunday to Friday and 10:00 am - 8:00 pm Saturdays. Students are expected to turn pumpkins, help customers, and keep the patch clean and tidy. Adults are expected to supervise students. Please note that middle school students can sign up but must have a parent or guardian sign up to work the shift with them. 

Adults and students can sign up to work a 2 hour shift HERE through our volunteer portal VOME.

We can use all the help we can get! We would love for you to let friends or additional organizations know about this opportunity! Please forward this information to them as well!

Thank you so much! Can’t wait to see you at the Patch! 

With gratitude,

The Due West Youth Team

Taylor Gindlesburger, Wes Anderson, and Millie Skinner

Millie Skinner

Due West Methodist Church

Administrative Assistant

Youth and Missions
