The Inside Scoop: All About the ACT and SAT

ACT and SAT are two acronyms that can strike fear in high school students. For decades, the American College Test and the Scholastic Aptitude Test have been critical components for acceptance to college. While that is changing somewhat, what should students wanting to pursue further education at the post-secondary level do about these rigorous tests?
David Owen's guest on this episode of The Inside Scoop is Patty DaSilva. As Cobb's Counseling Consultant for middle and high schools, Ms. DaSilva has a lot of experience and wisdom regarding these college entrance exams.
While these tests can be stressful for many students, they are designed to measure what a student has learned and retained from middle and high school classes. Test prep helps prepare for the test environment and the form of the test, but they don't help to increase scores very much. The best way to improve an ACT or SAT score is by taking the test multiple times.
Learn much more about ACT and SAT prep on today's informative podcast.