


Clinic Hours:  8am - 3pm each school day

Medical Forms

School Health Services and Resources

Welcome back Campbell HS students, parents, faculty and staff!

Here are a few reminders of the CCSD policies for the clinic that will ensure a safe and healthy school year for the remainder of the year.

  • Prescription medication is NOT allowed to be carried by the student at any time.  Diabetic, asthma, or allergic reaction medication can be carried, but if your child needs this medication, please notify Nurse Mullins for forms that need to be completed.
  • If your child does need prescription medication given at school during the year, please contact me to have the medication brought in and schedule set up.  All prescription medication must be in the original pharmacy labeled container.  The pharmacy will make two bottles if needed: one for home and one for school.
  • All high school students are allowed to carry OVER THE COUNTER MEDICATION (supplied by the parent/guardian) to give to themselves for symptom control when needed.  This medication must be in the original bottle and not shared between students. DO NOT bring Over The Counter medication in a zip lock bag.
  • Feminine products are available if needed: pads only, no tampons.
  • Remember:  Handwashing is your protection against infection!!  Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds under running water.

Students should stay home and not attend school IF they have the following symptoms:

  • Fever of 100.0 F or Higher
  • Vomiting within the past 24 hours
  • Diarrhea within the past 24 hours
  • Body rash with itching or fever
  • Head Lice - itchy head with active head lice
  • Eye infection - redness, itching, and/or pus draining from eye
  • Hospital stay and/or emergency room visit
  • Flu symptoms - achy body, pain, tiredness, headache, dry cough, sore throat, runny nose 

Students with the symptoms listed above are ready to go back to school after being sick if they meet the following criteria:  

  • Fever free without the assistance of medication for 24 hours
  • Free from vomiting for 24 hours
  • Free from diarrhea for 24 hours
  • Free from rash, itching, or fever.
  • Any head lice have been treated and there are no live head lice in the hair.