
New Student Registration


1692903426927.pngSteps to Enroll at Campbell High School

 STEP 1CCSD uses an online registration portal; click the appropriate link below to begin the enrollment process. 

NEW or FORMER Cobb County student = Use the Online Registration Portal at https://parentportal.cobbk12.org/OnlineReg/Login/PreLogin.aspx

CURRENT Cobb County student = Log into your ParentVue account to change your address and change to another Cobb school based on your feeder pattern. 

Step 2: Upload the required documents. All Cobb County School District student enrollment information, including a list of required and accepted documents, can be found here.

  • Your child CANNOT begin school if you do not upload the correct documents. This includes a current transcript.

Step 3: Once you have uploaded all required documents, please schedule an appointment at https://bit.ly/registerchs  to complete the enrollment process. 

  •  The “Enrolling Adult” is REQUIRED to attend the appointment in case we need additional information from you. If you do not have the required documents, we may need to reschedule your appointment, so please upload the exact documents listed in Step 2. 
  • Once the documents have been processed and the enrollment complete, the enrolling adult is welcome to leave while we create the student’s schedule.

 If you need assistance with the registration process, please email Kimberlie Lyons at kimberlie.lyons@cobbk12.org.

CCSD Admin Rule IHE-R indicates promotion/retention criteria and is based on the number and type of credits/units a student has earned.  Listed below are the requirements from IHE-R for promotion to each grade level:


Students shall be on track to advance with the graduating class they enter as a ninth grader (or under which they are placed upon transfer) by maintaining the following minimum units of credit required for promotion:  

a. 10th grade: 5 units, including one full credit each of state-required or core coursework in mathematics, science, and English/language arts 

b. 11th grade: 10 units, including two full units each of state-required or core coursework in mathematics, science, and English/language arts

c. 12th grade: 16 units with at least two full units of mathematics, science, and English/language arts

Grade Placement is based on the number of earned credits at the beginning of the current school year.