925 Powder Springs Street SE , Smyrna, 30080 | Phone: 678-842-6850
Week of March 25th
Spartan News | Week of March 25, 2024
Spring Break- April 1-5
Monday, April 8- Early Release Day- Students will be released at 11:30 AM. All students will need to leave the building at dismissal time.
For more information about Campbell sports and other news, please visit our website www.campbellhs.net
Principal's Message
Good afternoon, Spartan Families,
Parents/guardians, the scheduling team is preparing for the 2024-2025 school year. Monday, March 25, 2024, we will begin our Course Preview for next school year. Course Preview week affords parents an opportunity to request a change if you disagree with the teachers’ recommended placement (i.e. On-Level to Honors, Honors to AP, Honors to On-Level) or if you need to make a change to replace an elective (move an alternate to a primary only). We will not renumber elective selections. There is more information in the attachment below. We hope that all of our families have a safe and enjoyable Spring Break starting April 1-5. Please note that when we return on Monday, April 8, that is an Early Release Day due to the eclipse.
Parents, please note that when coming to the office to check out your student or communicate with the front office staff, there is a new doorbell system. A picture ID must be shown and there are signs to assist you.
Message from the Attendance Office
Excused vs. Unexcused Absences: Students are required to obtain a pass from their teacher and report to the school nurse if they are feeling ill during the instructional day. The school nurse will contact the parent if it is determined the student should go home for the day. These absences are considered excused and coded AEC. If a student calls/texts a parent for pick up and does not report to the clinic first, the absence from class(es) is unexcused. Students will not have the option to visit the clinic for the nurse to assess after the parent has arrived and have the absence excused.
On special occasions, such as Valentine’s Day, all early checkouts will require a doctor’s excuse to have the absence coded excused. We encourage all students to remain in school for the full day unless they are not feeling well. We want to limit early checkouts and maximize instructional time.
Parents are reminded that students should not be dropped off before 7:30 AM unless it has been requested by a teacher or coach and they will remain with that adult. Students are also expected to leave the building no later than 4 PM unless they are under the supervision of a teacher or coach.
March Trade Talks flyer is in the attachments below and the information is being summarized: March 27- Trucking/Auto, Culinary & Barbering/Cosmetology In order to attend any of the sessions, students must scan the QR code or click to provide your information.
Call for Volunteers and Donations! Senior Week is coming up the week of April 8-12 and we need some volunteers (and donations) to help it run smoothly. Please click here to volunteer or donate: Senior Week Volunteer Sign Up
Campbell News
The Campbell Bands performed incredibly well at Large Group Performance Evaluation (LGPE) this past Thursday and Friday. The Spartan Band received a mixture of Superior and Excellent ratings. The combined Symphonic/Concert Band received straight Superiors. The bands represented Campbell very professionally and the comments from the judges and fellow directors/students have been very complimentary. Congratulations to all for a job well done!
The CHS Earth Club members participated in the Adopt a Mile Clean up last semester and on March 19th. We adopted the back parking lot and Fleming Street as the designated areas to clean up. The students also picked up trash behind the PAC, underneath the football bleachers and along the inside of the fence.
We are pleased to announce that the following Campbell HS students are county-level Writing Fair winners:
12th grade 3rd place: Kelenna Afulezi
11th grade Honorable Mention Alexis Ongtingco
We will honor all winners on Thursday, May 2nd at 6PM in the Pearson Middle School theater. Administrators and teachers are encouraged to attend.
Formal invitations to the celebration will be mailed to students and their families.
Students interested in volunteering for the Chick-Fil-A Leader Academy Impact Prom can complete the link below to sign up. If you have any questions, please see Ms. Forrest in room 400 or Ms. Ros in room 403. What: The Impact Prom is about increasing opportunities for students with disabilities to engage in a traditional prom experience with their peers both disabled and nondisabled. We are asking for you participation as we endeavor to create a more inclusive world. When: Saturday, April 13, 2024 from 2-4 PM Where: Smyrna Community Center - 200 Village Green Cir SE, Smyrna, GA 30080 https://forms.gle/W16p2DxS49st9QWj7
There is an End of Course flyer below to inform parents and students about the EOCs occurring later on this semester. If you have any questions, please contact Antwane.Nelson@cobbk12.org
The link below includes the teacher's tutoring schedule:
Fall 2023 Power Surge (Tutoring support for our students) dates, subjects, and times. . There is a Power Surge flyer below with the dates and times for future after school tutoring
Campbell IB News
Congratulations to CHS IB seniors Brandon Buchalter and Maariya Sheikh who have both been selected as Chancellor's Scholars at Vanderbilt University! Fewer than one percent of applicants to Vanderbilt were chosen for this prestigious honor, and Brandon and Maariya were singled out by the admissions committee for their outstanding leadership, strength of character, academic achievement, and deep-seated commitment to diversity and social justice. Chancellor's Scholars receive full tuition to Vanderbilt!
When we return from Spring Break, it's the final push for this semester.
IB 9th & 10th- make sure students are attending class and tutoring as needed to finish strong this semester.
IB Juniors will be finishing their first year of IB classes and preparing to take their first IB Exam in May.
IB Seniors will finish learning the last course content and move into review for the IB May 2024 Exam Session.
Senior News The packet and the PowerPoint, in English and Spanish, from the Senior Parent Meeting on last Tuesday may be found in the attachments below. If you have questions, please reach out to Jennifer.Dorrough@cobbk12.org
Parents, there is a PTSA flyer below about the purchase of the Senior Yard Signs to purchase for your Senior.
Attention Seniors and Senior Parents. If you have not ordered your graduation announcements, you may do so through www.ATLgrad.com. Announcements will be mailed to the student's home to let family and friends know of their graduation. Additional information can be found in the attached flyer below. Commencement Ticket Information: Seniors and their families can log into the Student Portal (www.studentportal.cobbk12.org) to view the number of tickets allocated for Campbell's Commencement Ceremony. Seniors may not have received the number of tickets requested. After Spring Break, we will communicate a process with seniors to indicate that they need additional tickets and the number of additional tickets they need. Tickets will be distributed at the FINAL graduation practice. If there are enough additional tickets to distribute to graduates equitably based on the additional request, we will do so at the FINAL graduation practice in May. If you have questions, please contact Dr. Dorrough (Jennifer.Dorrough@cobbk12.org). Requests for additional tickets will NOT be accepted via email from students or parents but through the process implemented after Spring Break.
Both of the PowerPoint presentations, in English and Spanish, from the Senior Class Parent Meetings held before the break are in the attachments below. If you have questions, please contact Jennifer.Dorrough@cobbk12.org Campbell's Commencement Ceremony will be held on Saturday, May 25th, 2024 @10am at the KSU Convocation Center. A Senior Gear flyer is below from the senior advisors- Ms. Hermansen and Ms. Ontingco, explaining the distribution of senior gear that has been purchased.
Please support Habitat for Humanity by visiting Los Bravos on Monday, March 25.
Google Translate
Notes on Translation
The electronic translation service is hosted by Google Translate. The quality of the translation will vary in some of the languages offered by Google. Google Translate is a free service and currently offers translation in over 50 languages, although an impressive number, this does not capture all languages or dialects. The basic translation’s goal is to capture the general intention of the original English material.
The Cobb County School District does not guarantee the quality, accuracy or completeness of any translated information. Before you act on translated information, the District encourages you to confirm any facts that are important to you and affect any decisions you may make.
The Cobb County School District is committed to parent, family and community engagement, and it is our hope that by providing this tool on our website that we are making our information more accessible to families whose first language is not English and thereby enabling better engagement in public education.