Reading Resources

Stronger readers are more successful at all levels of school. We have a variety of resources and information that you can use to help student be a better reader. A good place to start is by downloading the Read 180 Parent Day presentation that was shared with parents in January. You can also contact our Library Learning Specialist, Ms. Harpin for additional resources.
What is the Reading Inventory (RI)?
The Reading Inventory (RI) is a computer-adaptive screener that Cobb County School District uses to provide immediate, actionable data on students’ reading levels and growth from kindergarten to 9th grade. Cobb County School District screens all students in Grades K-9 three times per school year to assist teachers with monitoring growth and personalizing instruction. The Reading Inventory reports a Lexile score after each screening.
Download the from the school district for more information:
What is a Lexile?
A Lexile is a measure of a student’s reading ability and development. The Lexile Framework provides a measure of the reading difficulty of text, such as a book or magazine article. The Lexile scale ranges from below 100L to above 1600L. Each grade level’s Performance Bands assists parents and teachers with academic support, planning and analysis. The chart below can be a useful guide to what your student's lexile level means
What is the Lexile Framework for Reading and how is it used?
The Lexile Framework systematically connects the learner and reading material using a scientific approach. Many factors go into matching a student to his or her ideal text. The Lexile Framework is a good place to start in finding the right book at the right Lexile level as it targets areas in need of intervention and encourages achievement across grade levels. While Lexile levels should guide students in the right direction, students should not be prohibited from reading books that lie outside of their range if they are also reading level-appropriate books. Teachers can use students’ Lexile scores to make informed instructional decisions and monitor student growth.
How can I support my child’s reading growth?
- Lexile Framework
- You can help your child by knowing his/her Lexile level, discussing goals and progress with your child and with your child’s teacher, and using Lexile resources to provide reading materials at his/her level. For more information visit the Lexile Framework for Reading to search the Lexile Book Database for fiction and nonfiction titles at your child’s Lexile level. You will also find a variety of information to support your child’s reading.
- Search for books within a range from 100L below your student's Lexile score to 50L above your child’s score. When your child reads a book within this range, they are more likely to comprehend enough of the written material to understand the text, while still being sufficiently challenged.
- Materials with a higher Lexile text measure can be a good challenge for advanced and enthusiastic readers. A hard but interesting book can open the door to other books on the same subject.
- Materials with a lower Lexile text measure often helps struggling and reluctant readers to build confidence and skills with less challenging books on their topics of choice.
- An important note: Lexile measures are a quantitative measure for text complexity. They don’t address whether the book is appropriate for your child’s age.
- The McClure Library Learning Commons Website
- Click to access our Library Learning Commons Website
- Links to Sora (eBooks/Audiobooks) and Destiny (print books)
- eBooks, Digital Audiobooks, & Magazines
- Online at Sora
- Available through the App Store & Google Play
- Students use their Microsoft 365 email & password to access.
- Can link to the Cobb County Public Library's collection as well
- Student ID number & 4-digit birthday (mmdd)
What is Read180?
READ 180 is a reading program designed for striving readers who are reading 2 or more years below grade level. It provides blended learning instruction (i.e., combining digital media with traditional classroom instruction), student assessment, and teacher professional development. We currently use the Read180 program through our MavBlock classes for students who need additional reading support. Students can access Read180 from their laptops (Chrome provides the best user experience. Click here to access the Read180 program.
Learn more about Read180 at McClure!