Attendance / PPO
Absences & Tardies - Policy, Note Deadlines and Reasons
POLICY:The goals of the start on time policy are 1) to maintain an orderly learning environment 2) to allow the classroom teachers the maximum possible instructional time and 3) to help students develop the valuable lifelong habit of promptness and responsibility. Students are to be in 1st period at[...]
Learn MoreAutomatic Phone Calls for Attendance
Each Day an automated system calls the number we have on file as the home phone number for each student who is absent. If you get a phone call, please check ParentVue to see which period(s) your child was marked absent. If they were absent all day, please send a note upon return to PPO. If they were[...]
Learn MoreBus Note
If it is necessary for a student to ride an alternate bus home an email directly from the guardian giving their approval for the student to ride a different bus home/ go home with another student must be sent to The subject line should state Pope Bus Pass Request and the [...]
Learn MoreCertificate of School Enrollment for Driver's License
During School Year In order to apply for a Driver’s License or Permit you will need a Certificate of School Enrollment: Come to PPO before going into lunch to apply for a Certificate of School Enrollment. The cost is $2.00. All requests will be ready for pick up the next day. It is good for[...]
Learn MoreCollege Visits
For a college visit you will need a note from the college on the school's letterhead, your name and the date of the visit. You are allowed to have 3 excused visits per your 4 years of high school. If you do not have it in this form your note will be marked unexcused with a note.If you have any[...]
Learn MorePope Community Service Hours

Service Hour Guidelines 2024 – 2025Pope High School encourages student involvement in activities which benefit the community. The student must NOT be compensated in any material way.Students submitting hours earned only through Pope Clubs and Organizations must earn a minimum of 120 cumulative[...]
Learn MoreEarly Dismissal
CHECKING OUT OF SCHOOLEarly check out from school is discouraged. Students and parents should try to arrange medical and other appointments after school hours.A parent, guardian, or administrator must grant permission to check out in every case.Under non-emergency circumstances, the parent should se[...]
Learn MoreStudent Forgot Item at Home
PPO is the drop off/pick up site for students who forget something at home. Parents can drop off an item in PPO and we will put the student's name on it. The student can then pick up their items between classes, with permission from a teacher or during lunch.Due to the volume of items dropped o[...]
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