McCall Primary and Norton Park ES Recognized as Distinguished and Reward Schools by GaDOE

The Georgia Department of Education (GaDOE) recently recognized schools around the state with exceptional academic achievement or improvement, including Title I Distinguished and Reward Schools and Comprehensive Support & Improvement (CSI) schools that made progress over the last year.
Title I Distinguished and Reward Schools
The GaDOE recognized McCall Primary School as a "Distinguished" school and Norton Park Elementary as a "Reward" school. The Distinguished Schools designation recognizes the highest-performing Title I schools in Georgia, while the Reward Schools designation recognizes Title I schools making the most significant improvements.
Distinguished Schools are among the highest-performing 5% of Title I Schoolwide and Title I Targeted Assistance schools, based on the combined ELA and math content mastery scores from the statewide assessments in 2022-2023.
Reward Schools are among the greatest-improving 5% of Title I Schoolwide and Title I Targeted Assistance schools when comparing the content mastery scores from the 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 statewide assessments.
CSI Progress Schools
In addition, two Cobb schools were recognized for making gains on the Content Mastery component of the College & Career Ready Performance Index (CCRPI): City View Elementary and Cobb Horizon High School. To be recognized, they had to show a 5% increase in the CCRPI Content Mastery component score from 2023 to 2024 and have a score of 80 or higher on one of the other components (Progress, Closing Gaps, or Readiness).
"I am incredibly proud of the hard work and dedication demonstrated by all the students, teachers, and school communities recognized today," State School Superintendent Richard Woods said. "The CSI progress and exit schools have worked closely with our Office of School & District Improvement to improve performance and expand the opportunities available to our students. The Title I Distinguished and Reward Schools have also made significant efforts to overcome barriers, meet challenges, and produce great gains for their students. Together, these schools prove that with collaboration, innovation, and a commitment to success, all students can achieve their fullest potential."
Great job, Cobb Schools, and thank you, teachers, for all your hard work in helping students from these schools continue to reach for new goals!